Swinging frame nest box
fully automatic or with pullout floors and grilles for easy cleaning
This nest box has numerous advantages. It is very practical, of an nice design and easy fitted.
The special darkend compartment of this nest box is favourized by the widowhood cocks and hens, motivating a quick return from racing. Pigeons are hole breeders, this is the reason why we developed the special stationary dark compartment. We have made it stationary so pigeons returning from racing will always find the breeding compartment in the same position.
With lots of extras like back panel door elements, winter perch, dowel partition food bowls and an extra nest bowl board for the first round of eggs, we offer you the optimal nest box system for perfect pigeon racing.
Extra front
Extra front used at the back of the nest box. The front can be turned sideways and has a dowel door. The extra front can make two seperate compartments at the back, separating cock and hen, whilst still being able to see each other. It is also possible to darken off one of the back compartments. This part of the nest box is also favourized by widowhood cocks and hens.
Alteration to double perch
In just a matter of seconds the nest box can be changed to double or treble perches. This system has been very succesful for total widowhoodship and is also used as winter perches during the moulting time. The easy to clean grilles stop any danger infection caused by droppings.